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Contract module

The Contract module contains functions that deals with current and other contracts.

call_function/3 [I/O]

Contract.call_function(0x0000ABCD..., "add", [1, 2])


  • contract_address the contract's adddress
  • function_name the function name
  • args the list of arguments to call the function with

Calls the exported function function_name of the Smart Contract at contract_address with given args and return the result value.

set_type/1 [Transaction]



  • type the transaction type ("contract", "transfer", "data", "hosting")

Mutates the next transaction to be of type type.

set_content/1 [Transaction]

Contract.set_content("Hello Smart Contract")


  • content the transaction's content (we usually use this as the state of the smart contract)

Mutates the next transaction content to be content.


While content is always a string when you read it, it is possible here to send an integer or a float for convenience. For any other data structure, you should serialize it with the Json module for example.

set_code/1 [Transaction]

Contract.set_code("@version 1\ncondition inherit: []")


  • code the code

Mutates the next transaction code to be code.


This example "closes" the contract, by adding an condition inherit that doesn't accept anything. It will be impossible to create a new transaction in this chain.

add_uco_transfer/1 [Transaction]

Contract.add_uco_transfer(to: "000012345...", amount: 1)


  • uco_transfer a map with two keys:
    • to: the destination address
    • amount: the number of UCO

Mutates the next transaction to add the uco_transfer.

add_uco_transfers/1 [Transaction]

Equivalent to call add_uco_transfer/1 for each element of the list

add_token_transfer/1 [Transaction]

to: "000012345...",
amount: 1.2,
token_address: "000023456...")
to: "000012345...",
amount: 1.2,
token_id: 4,
token_address: "000023456...")


  • token_transfer a map with three or four keys:
    • to: the destination address
    • amount: the number of UCO
    • token_address: the transaction address of the token
    • [token_id]: an optional integer to specify which index in the list (used for the NFTs)

Mutates the next transaction to add the token_transfer.

add_token_transfers/1 [Transaction]

Equivalent to call add_token_transfer/1 for each element of the list

add_ownership/1 [Transaction]

authorized_keys =
authorized_keys = Map.set(authorized_keys, public_key, encoded_secret_key)
secret: "ENCODED_SECRET1",
authorized_keys: authorized_keys


  • ownership a map with two keys:
    • secret: the encoded secret
    • authorized_keys: a map where the keys are the public_keys and the values are the encoded_secret_keys (the keys to decode the secret encoded by each public_key)

It is the developer's job to encode the secret & the secret key for each authorized key.

Mutates the next transaction to add the ownership.

add_ownerships/1 [Transaction]

Equivalent to call add_ownership/1 for each element of the list

add_recipient/1 [Transaction]



  • address: a transaction address (one with a smart contract)

Mutates the next transaction to add the address in the recipients.


Recipients are used to trigger smart contracts

add_recipients/1 [Transaction]

Equivalent to call add_recipients/1 for each element of the list