To test and build on top of Archethic network, we encourage people to test with a local instance.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/archethic-foundation/archethic-node.git
Setup the dev environment:
Fetch the dependencies
mix deps.get
- Build web assets
cd assets ; npm install; cd -
- Start instance
iex -S mix
Get some funds
To be able to fund some addresses, the development mode of the running enable the testnet faucet.
Browse to the http://localhost:4000/faucet and enter any address to send funds to.
It should transfer 100 UCO to the given address.
Check the balance
Go to http://localhost:4000/explorer/transaction/{TYPE_YOUR_ADDRESS_IN_HEXADECIMAL}
It should display 100 unspent outputs (in the "Ledger inputs" section)
Public testnet is available at https://testnet.archethic.net
Get some funds
You can then go the faucet to get free UCOs to experiment the Archethic network