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Chain module

The Chain module contains functions to fetch data from a Transaction Chain.

get_genesis_address/1 [I/O]

Chain.get_genesis_address("000012345...") # "000056789..."
Chain.get_genesis_address("000012345...") # "000012345..."


  • address the transaction address

Returns the genesis address of the transaction chain that contains a transaction at address. If there is no transaction at address, it returns address.

get_first_transaction_address/1 [I/O]

Chain.get_first_transaction_address("000012345...") # "000056789..."


  • address the transaction address

Returns the address of the first transaction of the transaction chain that contains a transaction at address.



get_genesis_public_key/1 [I/O]

Chain.get_genesis_public_key("00013B08D...") # "000108A5C..."


  • public_key the public key

Returns the genesis public key of public_key.


Chain.get_burn_address() # "0000000000..."

Returns the burn address.

get_transaction/1 [I/O]

Chain.get_transaction(0x00ABCD..) # [address: "00ABCD..", content: "...", uco_transfers: [], ...]


  • address the transaction address

Returns the transaction at address. If there is no transaction at address, it returns nil. See Appendix 1.

get_last_address/1 [I/O]

Chain.get_last_address(0x00ABCD..) # "00EFAB..."


  • address the transaction address

Returns the latest transaction address of the chain that contains address.

get_last_transaction/1 [I/O]

Chain.get_last_transaction(0x00ABCD..) # [address: "00EFAB..", content: "...", uco_transfers: [], ...]
Chain.get_last_transaction(0x00ABCF..) # nil


  • address the transaction address

Returns the latest transaction of the chain that contains the transaction at address. May return nil if address does not exist. See Appendix 1.


Chain.get_previous_address(0x00ABCD..) # "00EFAB.."
Chain.get_previous_address(transaction) # "0014AC.."


  • previous_public_key or transaction either a transaction map or a the previous_public_key

Returns previous transaction's address. Usually called with a transaction, it is also possible to call it with the previous_public_key directly.

get_balance/1 [I/O]

balance = Chain.get_balance(0x00ABCD..)
uco_balance = balance.uco # 181812.87
testcoin_balance = Map.get(balance.tokens, [token_address: 0x00ABCD.., token_id: 0]) # 4756.5401


  • address the address of a transaction in the chain you're interested in

Returns the balance of the chain that contains the transaction at address.

The return value is a map with two keys uco and tokens. The value behind tokens is a map where the keys are tokens' identifiers ([token_address: HEX, token_id: POS_INT]) and the values are floats.

Useful if you need to retrieve the entire list of tokens (and uco) at the same time.

get_uco_balance/1 [I/O]

Chain.get_uco_balance(0x00ABCD..) # 14.26239


  • address the address of a transaction in the chain you're interested in

Returns the amount of UCO in the chain that contains the transaction at address.

get_token_balance/2 [I/O]

Same as get_token_balance/3 called with token_id: 0.

get_token_balance/3 [I/O]

transaction_address = 0x00ABCD..
fungible_token_address = 0x00BCDE..
non_fungible_token_address = 0x00FEDC..
Chain.get_token_balance(transaction_address, fungible_token_address, 0) # 14.26239591
Chain.get_token_balance(transaction_address, non_fungible_token_address, 1) # 1
Chain.get_token_balance(transaction_address, non_fungible_token_address, 2) # 0


  • address the address of a transaction in the chain you're interested in
  • token_address the address of the transaction that defined the token
  • token_id the index of the element in the collection (0 for fungible tokens)

Returns the token balance of the token defined at token_address in the chain that contains the transaction at address. Non-fungible tokens must precise the token_id (index of the token in the collection).

get_tokens_balance/1 [I/O]

balance = Chain.get_tokens_balance(0x00ABCD..)
abdecoin_balance = Map.get(balance, [token_address: 0x00ABDE.., token_id: 0]) # 8.90800012
defacoin_balance = Map.get(balance, [token_address: 0x00DEFA.., token_id: 0]) # 4.05902597


  • address the address of a transaction in the chain you're interested in

Returns a subset of the token balance of the chain that contains the transaction at address. The return value is a map where the keys are the tokens' identifiers: [token_address: HEX, token_id: POS_INT] and the value are floats.

Useful if you need to retrieve many tokens at the same time.

get_tokens_balance/2 [I/O]

balance = Chain.get_tokens_balance(0x00ABCD.., [
[token_address: 0x00DEFA.., token_id: 1],
[token_address: 0x00DEFA.., token_id: 2]
nft1 = Map.get(balance, [token_address: 0x00DEFA.., token_id: 1]) # 1
nft2 = Map.get(balance, [token_address: 0x00DEFA.., token_id: 2]) # 0


  • address the address of a transaction in the chain you're interested in
  • tokens_identifiers the list of tokens' identifiers ([token_address: HEX, token_id: POS_INT]) to return

Returns a subset of the token balance of the chain that contains the transaction at address. The return value is a map where the keys are the tokens' identifiers: [token_address: HEX, token_id: POS_INT] and the value are floats.

Useful if you need to retrieve many tokens at the same time.