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Oracle Chain Service

OracleChain provides a way to extend it and to add more services to the scheduler.


The behavior defines functions to extend to support new services

  • Fetch: This will perform the data fetching and will return a map of the data to be serialized by the transaction
  • Verify: This will let validation nodes asserts the information provided in the new oracle transaction
  • Parse data: This will parse the incoming data from the oracle transaction and checks its validatity


UCO service behavior is implemented in such way:

  • Fetch: it request Coingecko to fetch the USD/EUR pair of the Archethic token
  • Verify: fetch Coingecko again to gather the token price and compare price using a standard deviation function with a threshold of 0.01
  • Parse data: Ensure the data is map with the USD/EUR pair and an amount encoded as float


Along with the definition of the new service, we need to inform how to add this service to the scheduler. For this we need to add the service in the configuration (config.exs)

config :archethic, Archethic.OracleChain,
services: [
uco: Archethic.OracleChain.Services.UCOPrice,
mynewservice: Archethic.OracleChain.Service.MyNewService # Added line