The archethic-cd
target produces an image capable of running archethic_node
The objective of cd is to test the code proposal in a testnet environment which means spawning:
- 5 nodes that run the new version
- 2 validator containers
- 1 prometheus container
- 1 benchmark container
the cd happens in multiple steps:
- first we start by copying the upgrade release and the logs we created in the CI part to a tmp folder
- next we create the subnet and we start all the containers responsible for the CD
- The validator container ensures that every node is up and do a benchmark before we apply the upgrade
- We apply the upgrade
- we start the second round of validation which is responsible for running benchmarks again, running the playbooks and gathering metrics from prometheus.
- we wait for the final validation message and we clean all containers and images we created.
nb: the cleaning phase will happen even in the case of failure.