After a code proposal is received by a node in the network and passes initial validation, the next step in the process is the CI.
The archethic-ci
target produces an image with build tools.
Its goal is to compile the source code into archethic_node
The CI part is powered by scripts/
The script runs in a container named archethic-prop-{address}
, it produces: release upgrade of archethic_node
and combined log of application of a code proposal to the source code, execution of unit tests, and log from linter. The log can be obtained with docker logs
, the release upgrade and the validator with docker cp
, after that the container can be disposed.
the logs are collected in ci_logfile.txt
and this file is copied at the end to tmp directory created in filesystem.
the script runs multiple commands:
- Creates a branch prop_{proposal_address}
- Apply the changes to the branch
- Add the changes and commit
- Checking if the project is formatted correctly
- Check if the project compiles without warning
- Credo
- Sobelow
- Knigge
- Runs the test suite
- Dialyzer
- Checks if dependencies are outdated
- And Finally it creates an upgrade release with Distillery