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AEWeb CLI (Command-Line Interface)


This tool, built with NodeJS, can be used to deploy files and websites to the Archethic blockchain. Once installed, as instructed in the README, the aeweb command is available.

aeweb generate-address

This command is used to generate an address from a seed.

Use case

You might use this on TestNet for example, to determine an address to use the faucet on.

$ aeweb generate-address --seed myseedphrase --index 0

aeweb deploy

This command is used to deploy the content of a folder or a single file. It will create the transactions, estimate the fees and, after confirmation, will write the transactions on the network.


$ aeweb deploy --seed myseedphrase --endpoint --path ./website
Connecting to
Creating file structure and compress content...
Creating transactions ...
Estimating fees ...
Total Fee Requirement would be : 2.58933391 UCO ( $ 0.23 | € 0.22), for 3 transactions.
Do you want to continue. (yes/no) yes
Sending 3 transactions...
Transaction 1...
Waiting transaction validation...
Transaction confirmed !
See transaction in explorer:
Transaction 2...
Waiting transaction validation...
Transaction confirmed !
See transaction in explorer:
Transaction 3...
Waiting transaction validation...
Transaction confirmed !
See transaction in explorer:
Website is deployed at:
There Can Be Only One

There can only be a single deployment per seed. Which makes it possible to update it by running the exact same command. The endpoint of your deployment will not change.

If you need to deploy another website, use another seed (and transfer funds to it via the Wallet app).