Getting Started
This guide explains how to create your first smart contract and deploy it on the Archethic testnet.
Before creating a smart contract, set up your development environment to use WebAssembly (WASM).
- AssemblyScript SDK
You need to have NodeJS & npm installed
Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed.
Create a new project
Run the following command to create a new project:
npm create @archethicjs/ae-contract-as my_contract
This creates a new project in the my_contract folder with the following structure:
├── assembly/
│ ├── index.ts # Main contract code
│ ├── tsconfig.json # Typescript configuration for AssemblyScript
├── tests
├── index.test.ts # Main test file
├── asconfig.json # AssemblyScript configuration
├── package.json # Project dependencies and scripts
├── # Project documentation
└── tsconfig.json # TypeScript configuration
Install SDK
Navigate to your project folder and install the SDK:
cd my_contract
npm install
Writing your first contract
- AssemblyScript SDK
import {
} from "@archethicjs/ae-contract-as/assembly";
// Define the contract state
class State {
counter: i32 = 0;
// Initialize the contract during creation
export function onInit(context: Context<State>): State {
return new State();
class IncArgs {
value!: u32;
// Define an action triggered by a transaction
export function inc(context: ContextWithParams<State, IncArgs>): ActionResult<State> {
const state = context.state;
// Validate the input
if (context.arguments.value == 0)
throw new Error("increment value must be greater than 0")
// Update the state
state.counter += context.arguments.value;
// Return the updated state
return new ActionResult<State>().setState(state)
In this example, the inc function expects an argument to increment the contract's state with each incoming transaction.
Test & Simulation
Contract tests simulate the execution of WASM modules as the blockchain runtime would. Use the tests
folder to define test cases.
import { describe, it, expect } from 'vitest'
import { readFileSync } from "fs";
import { getContract } from "@archethicjs/ae-contract-test";
describe("inc", () => {
it("should increment the state", async () => {
const wasmBuffer = readFileSync("./dist/contract.wasm");
const contract = await getContract(wasmBuffer);
// Increment from an undefined state
let result ={ value: 1 });
// Increment from a computed state
result ={ value: 1 });
// Increment with a predefined state
result ={ value: 1 }, { state: { counter: 2 } });
Simulate state
To simulate a specific state of the contract - in order to speed up the setup - you can hardcode it in the tests
it("should increment with state", async () => {
const wasmBuffer = readFileSync("./dist/contract.wasm");
const contract = await getContract(wasmBuffer);
// Simulate a specific initial state
const result ={ state: { counter: 2 } });
Simulate constants
To simulate constants such as contract address, genesis, balance, etc.., you can hardcode them in the tests
it("should display balance as input", async () => {
const wasmBuffer = readFileSync("./dist/contract.wasm");
const contract = await getContract(wasmBuffer);
const result = contract.currentBalance({
balance: {
uco: 100_000_000
expect(result).toBe('UCO: 100000000')
Mock Blockchain Calls
it("should fetch balance", async () => {
const wasmBuffer = readFileSync("./dist/contract.wasm");
const contract = await getContract(wasmBuffer);
const address = new Address("0000583a6a1d9a536ed7f3c8e7f3981ed2f7ff8cb3c3f8f2b9eb0c862d81f75d28cb")
// We simulate getBalance call
const contract = await getContract(wasmBuffer, {
ioMocks: {
getBalance(requestedAddress: Address): Balance {
if (, address)) {
return { uco: 100_000_000, token: [] }
return { uco: 0, token: [] }
const result = contract.fetchBalance({ address: address })
expect(result).toBe('UCO: 100000000')
Configure your deployment environment by creating the following file:
export default {
endpoint: process.env["ENDPOINT"] || ""
seed: process.env["SEED"], // Optional if using the Archethic wallet
Then, we need to create a script to implement the deployment and execute the transactions
import { getContext } from "@archethicjs/ae-contract-test"
import { Utils } from "@archethicjs/sdk"
async function main() {
const ctx = await getContext()
const fundingAccount = await ctx.getAccount()
// Request testnet funds
await fundingAccount.requestFaucet()
const contractAccount = ctx.getRandomAccount()
// Fund the contract's chain
const fundingTx =
.addUCOTransfer(contractAccount.address, Utils.parseBigInt("1"))
console.log("Funding contract...")
await fundingAccount.sendTransaction(fundingTx)
console.log("Deploying contract...")
const transactionAddress = await ctx.deployContract(contractAccount)
console.log(`Contract deployed at: ${transactionAddress}`)
main().catch((error) => {
We can finally execute them
node scripts/deploy.js
Congratulations! Your first Archethic WASM contract is now live
Upgrading Contracts
To allow upgrades, specify an authorized address in the configuration:
export default {
endpoint: process.env["ENDPOINT"] || ""
seed: process.env["SEED"],
upgradeAddress: "0000..." // Address authorized for upgrades
Create an upgrade script:
import { getContext, getUpgradeContractTx } from "@archethicjs/ae-contract-test"
async function main() {
const ctx = await getContext()
if (process.env["CONTRACT"] === undefined) {
throw new Error("CONTRACT env var is required")
const fundingAccount = await ctx.getAccount()
const contractAddress = process.env["CONTRACT"]
console.log(`Upgrading contract ${contractAddress}`)
await ctx.updateContract(fundingAccount, contractAddress)
console.log("Contract upgraded")
main().catch((error) => {
Run the upgrade script: