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Getting Started

This guide explains how to create your first smart contract and deploy it on the Archethic testnet.


Before creating a smart contract, set up your development environment to use WebAssembly (WASM).

You need to have NodeJS & npm installed


Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed.

Create a new project

Run the following command to create a new project:

npm create @archethicjs/ae-contract-as my_contract

This creates a new project in the my_contract folder with the following structure:

├── assembly/
│ ├── index.ts # Main contract code
│ ├── tsconfig.json # Typescript configuration for AssemblyScript
├── tests
├── index.test.ts # Main test file
├── asconfig.json # AssemblyScript configuration
├── package.json # Project dependencies and scripts
├── # Project documentation
└── tsconfig.json # TypeScript configuration

Install SDK

Navigate to your project folder and install the SDK:

cd my_contract
npm install

Writing your first contract

import {
} from "@archethicjs/ae-contract-as/assembly";

// Define the contract state
class State {
counter: i32 = 0;

// Initialize the contract during creation
export function onInit(context: Context<State>): State {
return new State();

class IncArgs {
value!: u32;

// Define an action triggered by a transaction
export function inc(context: ContextWithParams<State, IncArgs>): ActionResult<State> {
const state = context.state;

// Validate the input
if (context.arguments.value == 0)
throw new Error("increment value must be greater than 0")

// Update the state
state.counter += context.arguments.value;

// Return the updated state
return new ActionResult<State>().setState(state)

In this example, the inc function expects an argument to increment the contract's state with each incoming transaction.

Test & Simulation

Contract tests simulate the execution of WASM modules as the blockchain runtime would. Use the tests folder to define test cases.

import { describe, it, expect } from 'vitest'
import { readFileSync } from "fs";
import { getContract } from "@archethicjs/ae-contract-test";

describe("inc", () => {
it("should increment the state", async () => {
const wasmBuffer = readFileSync("./dist/contract.wasm");
const contract = await getContract(wasmBuffer);

// Increment from an undefined state
let result ={ value: 1 });

// Increment from a computed state
result ={ value: 1 });

// Increment with a predefined state
result ={ value: 1 }, { state: { counter: 2 } });

Simulate state

To simulate a specific state of the contract - in order to speed up the setup - you can hardcode it in the tests

Example of test simulating state
it("should increment with state", async () => {
const wasmBuffer = readFileSync("./dist/contract.wasm");
const contract = await getContract(wasmBuffer);

// Simulate a specific initial state
const result ={ state: { counter: 2 } });

Simulate constants

To simulate constants such as contract address, genesis, balance, etc.., you can hardcode them in the tests

Example of test simulating state
it("should display balance as input", async () => {
const wasmBuffer = readFileSync("./dist/contract.wasm");

const contract = await getContract(wasmBuffer);
const result = contract.currentBalance({
balance: {
uco: 100_000_000
expect(result).toBe('UCO: 100000000')

Mock Blockchain Calls

Example of test using mock
it("should fetch balance", async () => {
const wasmBuffer = readFileSync("./dist/contract.wasm");
const contract = await getContract(wasmBuffer);

const address = new Address("0000583a6a1d9a536ed7f3c8e7f3981ed2f7ff8cb3c3f8f2b9eb0c862d81f75d28cb")

// We simulate getBalance call
const contract = await getContract(wasmBuffer, {
ioMocks: {
getBalance(requestedAddress: Address): Balance {
if (, address)) {
return { uco: 100_000_000, token: [] }
return { uco: 0, token: [] }

const result = contract.fetchBalance({ address: address })
expect(result).toBe('UCO: 100000000')


Configure your deployment environment by creating the following file:

export default {
endpoint: process.env["ENDPOINT"] || ""
seed: process.env["SEED"], // Optional if using the Archethic wallet

Then, we need to create a script to implement the deployment and execute the transactions

import { getContext } from "@archethicjs/ae-contract-test"
import { Utils } from "@archethicjs/sdk"

async function main() {
const ctx = await getContext()
const fundingAccount = await ctx.getAccount()

// Request testnet funds
await fundingAccount.requestFaucet()

const contractAccount = ctx.getRandomAccount()

// Fund the contract's chain
const fundingTx =
.addUCOTransfer(contractAccount.address, Utils.parseBigInt("1"))

console.log("Funding contract...")
await fundingAccount.sendTransaction(fundingTx)

console.log("Deploying contract...")
const transactionAddress = await ctx.deployContract(contractAccount)

console.log(`Contract deployed at: ${transactionAddress}`)

main().catch((error) => {

We can finally execute them

node scripts/deploy.js

Congratulations! Your first Archethic WASM contract is now live

Upgrading Contracts

To allow upgrades, specify an authorized address in the configuration:

export default {
endpoint: process.env["ENDPOINT"] || ""
seed: process.env["SEED"],
upgradeAddress: "0000..." // Address authorized for upgrades

Create an upgrade script:

import { getContext, getUpgradeContractTx } from "@archethicjs/ae-contract-test"

async function main() {
const ctx = await getContext()

if (process.env["CONTRACT"] === undefined) {
throw new Error("CONTRACT env var is required")

const fundingAccount = await ctx.getAccount()
const contractAddress = process.env["CONTRACT"]

console.log(`Upgrading contract ${contractAddress}`)

await ctx.updateContract(fundingAccount, contractAddress)

console.log("Contract upgraded")

main().catch((error) => {

Run the upgrade script: