Archethic's wallet specification
Onchain wallet (aka Keychain) is a wallet stored on Archethic blockchain in encrypted form.
This keychain aims to support several way to identify a user and its transaction chains. It can also support multichains identification through the use of key derivation and derivation path.
A keychain is then a wallet which stores a main master seed, with a list of services (Archethic chains / other crypto identification) encrypted and only accessible by a list of authorized public keys
= Encoded Onchain Archethic Walletwk_{aes}
= AES256 CTR Key used to encrypt w_{e}enc(w_{e})
= AES256 CTR Encryption ofw_{e}
= Encodedenc(w_{e})
= AES256 CBC Key used to encryptwk_{aes}
= AES256 CBC Encryption ofwk_{aes}
= Encodedenc(wk_{aes})
= Encoded Public Key.arch_address
= Encoded Account Address.o_{priv}
= Origin Device Private Keyo_{pub}
= Origin Device Public Key (raw 04xy)encode(o_{pub})
= Encoded Origin Device Public Keye_{key}
= Ephemeral Key Paire_{pub}
= Ephemeral Public Key (raw 04xy)e_{priv}
= Ephemeral Private Key
Derivation path
Archethic's keychain is using hierarchical derivation key scheme inspired by BIP32 to define a way to generate keys and addresses.
Because Archethic cryptography and transaction chain paradigm differs from traditional blockchain (used in BIP32/BIP44) we adapted it to use specific derivation scheme (as describe in the BIP43)
The main derivation path of Archethic keychain is: m/650'/account/index (where 650 is the Archethic transaction chain purpose - in the BIP43 terminology)
The account
can be anything, by default 0
is the main uco transaction chain, but it could be customized to create more entropy.
The index
is the number of transaction in the chain, used to compute the derived keys and addresses
Key derivation
In order to derive the keys using the derivation path mentioned above, we implemented our own key derivation scheme, which takes inspiration from BIP32 but simplifies it a bit.
Replace the derivation path index
Given the derivation path: m/650'/0/0
, we change the last number (the transaction's index in the chain) we some variable provided by the application(ie: m/650'/0/1
will give the 1st transaction's address on the chain)
Hash of the derivation path
Once the derivation path index is replaced we hashed it to give a constant size through SHA256
hashedPath = SHA256(ReplaceDerivationPath(derivationPath, index))
Derive private key
Then we have to derive the private key based on the hashedPath and the master seed by using HMAC and extracting the first 32 bytes of the result
extendedSeed = HMAC-SHA512(Key=MasterSeed, Data=hashedPath)
extendedPrivateKey = extendedSeed.slice(0, 32)
Derive public key
Now with the given private key we can easily extract the public key for the given curve specified in the Keychain's service
{ publicKey, private } = generateKeyPair(extendedPrivateKey, curve)
The keychain is using a double encryption scheme where:
- the wallet is encrypted with AES
- the
is encrypted with elliptic curve cryptography using ECIES (Elliptic Curve Integration Encryption Scheme):wk_{aes}
for the authorized public keys
Ephemeral key is used to perform ECDH with authorized public key, in order to derive aes_key
. This aes_key
is then used to encrypt the wk_{aes}
. This is called ECIESE
(Elliptic Curve Integration Encryption Scheme Ephemeral)
Then to guarantee the security of the wallet, only the authorized public keys are able to decrypt the encrypted aes key(enc(aes_key)
) to be able to decrypt the encrypted wallet (wk_{aes}
Encrypting the Onchain Wallet
The onchain encoded wallet w_{e}
is encrypted using symmetric encryption AES256 CTR key wk_{aes}
as follows:
wallet_iv [16 bytes], reserved [16 bytes] = sha256(sha256(wk_{aes}))
enc(w_{e}) = aes256(mode=ctr, key = wk_{aes}, iv = wallet_iv, data = w_{e})
Encoding of Encrypted Wallet
The above encrypted wallet enc(w_{e})
is stored on the Archethic Blockchain with the following format.
enc(w_{e}) [bytes] |
Encrypting Wallet Encryption Key
The key (wk_{aes}
) which encrypts the wallet (w_{e}
) is subsequently encrypted using Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme to support different authorized public keys and to reduce the increased space overhead of the encryptions.
Algorithm$ for encrypting wk_{aes}
ecdh_secret = ecdh_point_x(e_{pub}, o_{priv}) = ecdh_point_x(e_{priv}, o_{pub})
aes_key [32 bytes], iv [16 bytes], auth_seed [16 bytes] = sha512(sha512(ecdh\_secret))
enc(wk_{aes}) = aes256(mode=cbc, key = aes\_key, iv = iv, data = wk_{aes})
auth_key = sha256(auth_seed)
auth_tag [16 bytes], reserved [16 bytes] = hmac256(key = auth_key, data = enc(wk_{aes}))
Encoding of Encrypted Wallet Key
The above encrypted key enc(wk_{aes})
is stored on the Archethic Blockchain with the following format.
e_{pub} 04xy [bytes] | auth_tag [16 bytes] | enc(wk_{aes}) [32 bytes] |
The wallet before encryption is encoding into a binary format
Encoding of wallet
Version | Seed size | Seed | Nb services | Service name size | Service name | Derivation path length | Derivation path | Curve type | Hash type | ... |
4 bytes | 1 byte | N bytes | 1 byte | 1 byte | N bytes | 1 byte | N bytes | 1 byte | 1 byte | ... |
Encoding of Curve Types
The curve_type
is a 1 byte long field, hex encoded. Currently, following curves are supported:
- 0: ED25519
- 1: NISTP256
- 2: SECP256K1
Encoding of Hash Types
The hash_type
is a 1 byte long field, hex encoded. Currently, following hashes are supported:
- 0: SHA256 (sha2)
- 1: SHA512 (sha2)
- 2: SHA3_256 (keccak)
- 3: SHA3_512 (keccak)
- 4: BLAKE2B
Transaction representation
- Data:
- Ownerships:
Secret: Encrypted Wallet,
Authorized Keys:
Public Key: Origin Device / Password Public Key,
Encrypted Secret Key: Encrypted AES Key for the authorized public key
Public Key Format
When clients have to produce public key, an origin type identification byte have to prepend before the key material as well as the curve type.
Curve ID | Origin ID | Key material |
1 byte | 1 byte | N bytes |
The origin_type
is a 1 byte long field, hex encoded. Currently, following origins are defined:
- 0: Onchain Wallet
- 1: Software Wallet (Node, Mobile App, Desktop, etc.)
- 2: TPM (Node)
- 3: Yubikey (Node, Hardware Wallet)
- 4: Ledger (Hardware Wallet)
Account Address Format
Archethic addresses following a specific format to version algorithms used helping to evolve easily between curves and hash algorithms.
Curve Type | Hash algo | hash(encode(pub_key)) |
1 byte | 1 byte | N bytes |