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How to retrieve the address of my Archethic wallet?

Firstly, you should be aware that your address changes with each transaction.

But don't worry. If you provide an old address to receive funds or tokens, it will still work, and you will receive what you are expecting.


If you do not have an Archethic wallet or address yet, we invite you to refer to the section
"How to create a wallet on the Archethic blockchain?"

Once your wallet is created,
1) select the account you wish to receive your funds or tokens on via the "Keychain" tab, which lists your accounts and services contained in your decentralized keychain.
2) Once selected, the application will display the "Main" tab, where a "Receive" button is shown.
3) Click on it, and you will get your address, either in the form of a QR Code or in text form by clicking on the icon corresponding to the copy action.


How to create a wallet on the Archethic blockchain?

Firstly, download the wallet version that corresponds to the platform you want to use it on from the Archethic website or the app stores. Once installed, you can launch the application.

1) The first page invites you to read and accept [](the privacy policy).
2) Once accepted, you can click on "Get started" to begin creating your wallet.
3) First, give a name to your first account within your future decentralized keychain.
4) A confirmation popup appears to verify that the account name is to your liking.
5) The application reminds you of important security information to protect your funds and your secret phrase.
6) After reading the information, click on "I understand".
7) The 24 words of your secret phrase will be displayed.


Do not share them with anyone and write them down so you can confirm them on the following screen.

8) Confirmation requires that the words be put back in order.
9) Once the process of confirming the order of the words in the secret phrase is done, you can select the means to protect your application (PIN code, password, biometrics, YubiKey).
10) After a few seconds of waiting, your keychain is created with your first account.

You can now enjoy the Archethic ecosystem. Enjoy!

How to create a fungible token on the Archethic Wallet?

1) Open your Archethic Wallet and click on tokens in the main tab.

2) Click on create token.

3) Insert all the information:

  • Name: Name of the token, e.g., "Archethic"
  • Symbol: Symbol of the token, e.g., "UCO"
  • Initial Supply: The maximum supply of your token.

And click on "Create Token".

4) Confirm the transaction.

You have successfully created your Token!

How to create a NFT on the Archethic Wallet?

1) Click on 'NFT' at the bottom right of the application.

2) Choose a category

3) Click on create a NFT

4) Insert all the information:

  • Name: Name of the NFT such as "Archers"
  • Symbol: Symbol such as "UCO"
  • Description: Describe your NFT

5) Import your NFT

6) Go to summary and click on "Create the NFT", confirm the mint

You have successfully created an NFT and can locate it in the category you selected during step 2.


The Archethic wallet won't start or opens to a black or white screen

To resolve a startup issue with the Archethic wallet, here are some corrective actions:


Please note, steps 3 and 4 require you to reimport your wallet afterward by entering your mnemonic phrase.

1) Verify that the application is downloaded from an official source.

For this, please visit the website For security and proper functionality, Archethic advises against using the application on jailbroken devices or in developer mode.

2) Uninstall and then reinstall the application.

3) If the issue persists, for desktop versions, please delete the wallet's local database.

To do this, manually delete at least the following files:

  • appwallet.hive
  • appwallet.lock
  • cachemanager.hive
  • cachemanager.lock
  • contacts.hive
  • contacts.lock
  • messengerdiscussion.hive
  • messengerdiscussion.lock
  • _preferencesbox.hive
  • _preferencesbox.lock
  • _vaultbox.hive
  • _vaultbox.lock

In the directories according to your platform:

  • macOS: /Users/{user}/Library/Containers/{YourAppName}/Data/Documents/
  • Linux: /home/{user}/.local/share/{YourAppName}/
  • Windows: C:\Users{user}\AppData\Roaming{YourAppOrganization}\