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Archethic aeSwap


How to access the Archethic DEX named aeSwap ?

You can access the DEX in testnet at :

Is the Archethic DEX available on mobile devices?

No, the Archethic DEX application is designed exclusively for the moment for desktop use and is compatible with macOS, Linux, and Windows operating systems.

How is the price of $UCO estimated?

The price of $UCO is determined using an Archethic Oracle that consolidates information from various sources, including Coingecko and CoinMarketCap.

What web browsers are not supported?

The unsupported browsers are Edge and Internet Explorer. If you experience issues with other browsers, please inform our teams via social media platforms such as Discord or Telegram, or submit an issue on GitHub. All relevant links can be found on the Archethic website. Thank you for your assistance.


I’m using the Mainnet network in the Wallet, how can I switch on the Testnet?

The switch is not possible because the seed is not shared between Mainnet and Testnet. Later, the wallet will be multiseeds, but not for the moment. The only way for the moment is to remove the Wallet (don’t forget the 24 words) and create/import a wallet on the Testnet network.

Why can't I connect to the Archethic wallet with my Brave browser?

Brave includes a shield feature that might block certain local connections. To successfully connect to the Archethic wallet, you'll need to modify the Brave browser’s shield settings as per its documentation